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    Written by DafaNews

    I gotta be the MVP but I probably won’t get it – Steph Curry on his chances this year

    April 22, 2021


    Golden State Warriors linchpin Steph Curry is playing the Basketball of his career. Curry has been on a freaking roll and he has taken the benchmarks higher than ever before. There is no doubt that the current streak of Curry is one of the best ever in the league.

    37, 41, 32, 38, 53, 42, 33, 47, 49, 18 – these are the unbelievable numbers that Curry has produced in the last ten matches. In these last ten matches, GSW has won six as Curry has single-handedly destroyed the opposition.

    Apart from the last match against Washington Wizards, in which Curry could only gather 18 points, the point guard had come up with 30+ points performances in the last nine matches.

    Meanwhile, Curry currently has 21 career games in which he has scored 10 or more three-point shots. The second after Curry is his teammate, Klay Thompson, who has scored five.

    In fact, Curry is averaging a whopping 31.4 points per game in the 50 matches he has played this season, which is 7.4 more than his career average of 24. Moreover, Curry is averaging 5.5 rebounds and 5.9 assists.

    When Rex Chapman asked Curry whether he is winning the MVP this year, the 33-year old said, “I mean, I gotta be, I probably won’t get it, but whatever…I like to be dramatic sometimes, so I’m just setting the table.”

    There is no doubt that if Curry continues his prolific show, he will get the MVP and no player will be able to even challenge him. On the other hand, GSW has a 29-30 record, and Curry is carrying the team on his shoulders. GSW will next face a tough challenge against Denver Nuggets on Friday night.

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    Written by DafaNews

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