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    November 25, 2022

    England fans have been banned from dressing as crusaders by FIFA before the Three Lions take on the USMNT in the World Cup. 

    ​Fans banned from dressing as crusadersWill be denied entry if they do soFIFA claim it may be offensive to Muslims

    WHAT’S HAPPENING? According to The Times, FIFA has put a blanket ban on all England fans wearing the costume inside World Cup stadiums. Many England fans dress up as crusaders, carrying plastic swords and shields adorned with St. George’s cross. But after the latest directive, they will not be granted access to any stadium in Qatar if they do so. The dress is a nod to those that took part in the religious war that Christians waged against Muslims in the Middle Ages.

    THE BIGGER PICTURE: “Crusader costumers in the Arab context can be offensive against Muslims,” a statement from FIFA read.

    AND WHAT’S MORE: FIFA, however, has given the green signal to rainbow-coloured bucket hats and flags inside the stadium, which are a symbol of support to the LGBTQ+ community.


    WHAT NEXT FOR ENGLAND? The Three Lions will be in action against the USMNT on Friday evening with the aim of bagging the three points and securing qualification.



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