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    November 23, 2022

    Guillermo Ochoa revealed the behind-the-scenes work of “professor” Gustavo Pinero, the Mexico goalkeeping coach who made a huge impact on Tuesday. 

    ​Ochoa saved Lewandowski penaltySaid Pinero prepared him for blockMexico drew 0-0 vs Poland

    WHAT HAPPENED? Ochoa’s 58th-minute save was the defining moment of the scoreless draw in El Tri’s World Cup opener, and he claimed he was able to predict the direction of Lewandowski’s shot based on prior research.

    WHAT THEY SAID: “We work with Professor Gustavo Pinero on penalties, we know what Lewandowski does,” Ochoa told reporters. “I’m happy to have saved the penalty and kept the [clean sheet].”

    THE BIGGER PICTURE: Ochoa was already a World Cup hero from previous tournament appearances. His latest effort launches him even higher on the totem pole of Mexico legends, and will potentially be the difference in El Tri reaching the knockout stage.


    WHAT NEXT FOR MEXICO? Hopefully a long-term contract extension for the professor! The World Cup always introduces unexpected stars, and in this case, El Tri have benefitted from an unsung member of their staff. Pretty cool.



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