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    Written by DafaNews
    Indian Field Hockey

    Coronavirus: Hockey India donates Rs 25.00 towards PM cares, Fund

    April 3, 2020


    The Hockey India has on Wednesday promised to give Rs.25.00 lakh towards the PM cares, Fund, to support India in the fight against the COVID’19 virus.

    The Executive Board of the Hockey  India decided following the announcement made by the Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi that there has been a special emergency fund donated for the nation combat the coronavirus pandemic outbreak.

    The Secretary-General of the Hockey India Rajinder Singh revealed in an interview that in difficult times like these, it is highly essential that everyone comes together as a nation to help fight against this disaster and oblige to our duties as responsible citizens.

    ” We have made a unanimous decision as a Board to give out Rs.25.00 into the PM cares to find. The game of Hockey has always received great love and support from the citizens of this great country, and we want to do the little in our power to assist the countrymen and women pull out of this virus outbreak victoriously “.

    ” The Hockey India has always reached out in any situation and especially in this crisis in particular when the world is fighting against the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has spread across nations in the world. We, therefore, show our solidarity and support at times like this.” He added.

    The Indian Government has however not relied on and making consistent efforts to protect its citizen, and it will do the citizens a lot of good if they could abide by the Government rules and regulations and act responsibly by staying indoors and safe during this lockdown.



    Written by: Olumide Akinnifesi

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    Written by DafaNews

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