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    Written by DafaNews
    Odisha Chief Minister Relief fund

    COVID-19: Hockey India gives Rs. 21.00 Lakhs to Odisha Chief Minister Relief fund

    April 10, 2020

    Concerning the current happenings surrounding the globe due to the outbreak of the COVID-19, the Hockey India announced on Wednesday that it had contributed Rs. 21.00 lakh towards the Odisha Cheif Ministers relief Fund to assist the state in the fight against coronavirus.

    With the increase of reported cases across the country of Odisha, the Executive Board of India hockey decided to contribute to give the government of Odisha a helping hand in he bid to combat the virus outbreak.

    An official statement was released by the board, which says,” the state of Odisha has always been an ardent supporter of the game of Hockey and going by the current crisis ravaging the world at the moment, everyone in hockey India hopes that this contribution of Rs. 21.00 lakhs will go along way in making a vast difference in the fight of COVID-19″.

    President of the Hockey India, Mohd Mushtaque Ahmad said The Odisha government, has been doing every of their possible best to fight the spread of the virus in the state and they hope the little contributions made will go along way to help the people of Odisha who have always been an enormous supporter of the Hockey India games.

    The secretary-general to the president of Hockey India Rajinder Sigh also reflected on the speech of the president saying he appreciates the support and motivation from the people of Odisha, and he his proud that the Executives of the board took a brilliant decision. At least it will help in providing facilities and care to those in need.

    Written by: Olumide Akinnifesi

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    Written by DafaNews

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