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    Written by DafaNews
    Indian Men and Women's Hockey teams resume sporting activities

    Indian Men and Women’s Hockey teams resume sporting activities

    June 12, 2020

    Following the halt in sporting activities across the globe for over two months and also also the nationwide lockdown in India, it has been over them days since the India Men and Women core probable groups have resumed training at the Sports Authority of India Bengaluru.

    The captains in each of the teams have revealed that the strategies in place to resume training activities cautiously and gradually.

    Captian of the Men’s India Hockey National team Manpreet Singh said that since they’ve all been engaging in essential fitness exercises, in their various hostel rooms, during the two months, they have been sharp but are gradually taking things slow and steady.

    “We are planning a straightforward routine to avoid putting much pressure on our bodies to keep ourselves fit and mind sharp for games ahead.”. He added.

    Apart from the guidelines and safety measures put in place by the SOP [ Standard Operating Procedures ] and the Sports Authority of India [SAI] and the Hockey India, Manpreet feels the players have been careful by observing the social distances and hygiene practices.

    “We have been making use of the hand sanitizers, and also our training sessions have been conducted in smaller groups.” Rani, who is the captain of the National Hockey women team, said the team is back to basics with them engaging in simple practices such as Goal shooting passing and trapping.

    We have made things easy for ourselves not to stress our backs and shoulders to avoid minor injuries aa well. We look forward to resuming full training after all these are finally over.”

    Written By: Olumide Akinnifesi

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    Written by DafaNews

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